Utilizing data science and plant genetics to consistently produce high quality cannabis and hemp products.

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Lone Wolf Genetics, LLC (LWG) is company formed in 2020. It represents the vision of its founding members to utilize data science and plant genetics to become the preeminent supplier of premium, stabilized seedlings, clones, and seeds to cannabis growers.

As a result of our genetic improvements through breeding and engineering, we will also consistently produce high quality Cannabis flower.

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Lone Wolf Genetics is using an extensive library of Cannabis genetic materials and seeds to initiate our genetic refinement processes and product development pipelines. We have begun the iterative process of sophisticated genetic and chemical testing, agronomic characterization, and breeding necessary to produce the purest and most stable varieties of marijuana with the desired characteristics.

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We believe that the same advanced technologies and genetic tools that are routinely used to improve food and feed crops can and must be applied to Cannabis.

Lone Wolf Genetics is improving and engineering very specific characteristics and traits into Cannabis plants, including such characteristics as cannabinoid levels and profiles, scent or taste profiles, specific disease resistance, and growth characteristics that impact yield.